Measures related to the Covid19 pandemic

Your safety first ...

Orthodontic and dental clinics have always been places where disinfection and sterilization of surfaces and materials is done in an extremely thorough manner;
The level of infection control is equivalent to what is done in the most prestigious hospitals. The current pandemic situation of Covid19 will require some additional changes. At our clinic we follow and exceed the recommendations of the MSSS as well as those of professional orders and associations of specialists (ODQ, CAO, AOQ).

The changes you will notice in our clinic are:

1) You will see that the reception has a protective plexiglass
2) A hand washing area , now mandatory before entering the treatment room
3) Mask face shield wear by the treating staff
4) The installation of air purifiers with HEPA filter of medical standards
5) The wear of KN95 respirator masks and surgical gowns for acts producing aerosols
6) The waiting room has been reorganized to facilitate social distancing; It has been
emptied of magazines and other objects to avoid any risk of contamination
7) Surfaces are cleaned several times a day with cleaning agents that kill viruses and bacteria. 

Changes during appointments

- Please complete this questionnaire before each appointment:
- Brush your teeth at home before coming to the appointment
- Come alone or at most only with one parent for young children
- Come with your mask
- Wash your hands when you arrive at the clinic
- Do not touch your cell
- Respect social distancing in the waiting room